How To Ask The Questions

Ask Via Email

We’ve tried to make it as easy as possible to send the email from your account to your constituency candidates, but we appreciate that it doesn’t always go to plan so here’s some help. To get the text into your email we try to copy the text of the email to your clipboard for you, and then open up your default email client and then you can paste the text in.

  • Click on the Ask Your Candidate button on the top right of the webpage.
  • Find your constituency on the list and click on it.
  • Scroll down to each of the candidates standing in your constituency and click on the Ask by Email button to the right of their name.
  • This will launch a prepopulated email already addressed to that candidate.
  • If there’s no email address in the “To:” line then we don’t know the candidates email address, but if you do please fill it in carry on.
  • Delete the instruction text in the email
  • Paste in the text. If you’re on a computer try Ctrl+V. If you’re on a phone, long press on the screen and you should get a Paste option.
  • Add your name in after “Best Wishes”
  • Press send. We should receive any response you get as we are cc’d into the message. However if you receive a reply from your candidate please do forward it on to us at
  • Remember to repeat this exercise for each of the candidates in your constituency.

That should work most of the time! But if it doesn’t, you can try to copy the text below. And if you’re still having problems you can just email your candidate and send them to

Ask on X/Twitter

  • Click on the Ask Your Candidate button on the top right of the webpage.
  • Find your constituency on the list and click on it.
  • Scroll down to each of the candidates standing in your constituency and click on the Ask on X button to the right of their name.
  • This will launch a prepopulated X post with a message from you to the candidate asking them to answer the questions and a link to our website where they can do this.
  • All you need to do is press Post.

Sample Email Text

I am concerned that free speech in Britain is under threat. To help
me understand your position on free speech issues please answer the
following YES/NO questions and send your answers by reply and cc Your answers will be held on 
the website 
and promoted via social media.

Please answer the following questions with either a YES or NO.

1. Do you agree that the police should stop placing persons on 
   ‘hate’ registers who have committed no crime? 
   YES or NO

2. Do you agree that parents and psychotherapists should be free 
   to advise young persons and others *not* to change sex/gender? 
   YES or NO

3. Do you believe that it is wrong for teachers to tell school 
   kids that Britain is a ‘structurally racist' society? 
   YES or NO

4. Do you agree that an official state definition of 'Islamophobia'
   will curtail our right to be critical of a religion? 
   YES or NO

5. Do you agree that everyone should have freedom to speak their 
   mind which includes the right to offend and hold controversial 
   YES or NO

I have provided some context below why we believe these questions
are important and more detailed information can be found at 

Best wishes,

Context to questions:
1. Non Crime Hate Incidents (NCHI): Approximately 120,000 NCHIs
 have been recorded by the police on a database although no 
 criminal act has been carried out. Many targeted individuals 
 have simply challenged the definition of biological sex. 
 These incidents can be disclosed to potential employers, 
 creating a chilling effect on free speech.

2. Conversion Therapy Ban: Proposed legislation could criminalise 
parents and psychotherapists for 
advising against sex change procedures, intruding into family
 and therapeutic settings. Consenting 
private conversations will become suppressed.

3. Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Schools: A study by Professor 
Eric Kaufmann found that 59% of British 
schoolchildren are exposed to CRT-derived terms, often taught 
as undisputed facts. This unbalanced 
approach undermines open debate and imposes a singular 
perspective on controversial topics  on young minds.

4. Official ‘Islamophobia’ Definition: A proposed new definition 
conflates criticism of Islam with 
racism, risking a return to blasphemy laws and limiting robust 
debate about religious ideologies.