How Can I Get Involved?

We are asking all candidates the questions directly. However, we suspect many will not answer us directly.

They are more likely to answer their constituents. That’s where you will come in.

Please follow this simple guide to ask the questions to the candidates in your constituency.

You can also help by joining our mailing list, and by sharing this site with your friends and followers.

Ask Via Email

  • Click on the Ask Your Candidate button on the top right of the webpage.
  • Find your constituency on the list and click on it.
  • Scroll down to each of the candidates standing in your constituency and click on the Ask via Email button to the right of their name.
  • Firstly, this will copy the text of the email to your clipboard
  • Then, this will launch a prepopulated email with already addressed to that candidate.
  • Paste in the text of the email and add your name after “Best Wishes…”
  • Press send. We should receive any response you get as we are cc’d into the message. However if you receive a reply please do forward it on to us at
  • Remember to repeat this exercise for each of the candidates in your constituency.

Ask on X/Twitter

  • Click on the Ask Your Candidate button on the top right of the webpage.
  • Find your constituency on the list and click on it.
  • Scroll down to each of the candidates standing in your constituency and click on the Ask on X button to the right of their name.
  • This will launch a prepopulated X post with a message from you to the candidate asking them to answer the questions and a link to our website where they can do this.
  • All you need to do is press Post.

Join Our Mailing List

  • At the bottom of every page (including this one) is a form to sign up for email updates
  • Enter your email and click “Sign Me Up”
  • You can also sign up here

Socials / Spread The Word

  • You can find us on X / Twitter at @jatqorg
  • Share this website with your friends