Answer The Questions

Thank you for visiting Just Answer the Question. As a candidate at the forthcoming general election it is important for voters to understand where you stand on free speech issues.

Please answer the following five questions with a YES or NO answer and email them from your official campaign email address with your name and constituency clearly identified to

You can use the form below to answer the questions and prepopulate an email to send to us. You should send this from your official campaign email address so that we can verify your response.

  1. Do you agree that the police should stop placing persons on ‘hate’ registers who have committed no crime?
  2. Do you agree that parents and psychotherapists should be free to advise young persons and others *not* to change sex/gender?
  3. Do you believe that it is wrong for teachers to tell school kids that Britain is a ‘structurally racist' society?
  4. Do you agree that an official state definition of 'Islamophobia' will curtail our right to be critical of a religion?
  5. Do you agree that everyone should have the freedom to speak their mind which includes the right to offend and hold controversial views?

Once verified, your answers will be published on this website.
We will let you know that your responses have been recorded and published