We're asking the people who seek to govern you 5 simple free speech questions.
No spin, no waffle, just answer the question

We are an independent campaign designed to defend free speech and democratic rights at the forthcoming General Election in Britain. We are asking all candidates to answer five simple questions that directly address key issues of free speech and democracy, and challenge them to give you - the electorate - a straight yes/no answer.

Through this campaign and this website, our aim is to facilitate citizens – from all political backgrounds – to harness their huge potential voter-power in defence of free speech.

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You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website.

How Does It Work?

  • We are centrally asking the candidates the questions
  • You can also ask your candidates the questions, using this website. Click HERE to find out how
  • We will publish all the answers - or the failure to answer - here
  • This website will exist as a public accountability register of all candidates answers

What Are The Questions?

  1. Do you agree that the police should stop placing persons on ‘hate’ registers who have committed no crime? YES or NO
  2. Do you agree that parents and psychotherapists should be free to advise young persons and others *not* to change sex/gender? YES or NO
  3. Do you believe that it is wrong for teachers to tell school kids that Britain is a ‘structurally racist' society? YES or NO
  4. Do you agree that an official state definition of 'Islamophobia' will curtail our right to be critical of a religion? YES or NO
  5. Do you agree that everyone should have the freedom to speak their mind which includes the right to offend and hold controversial views? YES or NO

Why are we doing this?

Free speech is the cornerstone of all other freedoms, and it is currently under threat in Britain. Examples include:

  • Vaguely-Drafted Laws: Laws like the Public Order Act 1986 and the Malicious Communications Act 1988 are used to limit free speech. The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 and the Online Safety Act 2023 further extend these restrictions.
  • Political Impartiality in Education: Schools are teaching controversial topics like ‘Critical Race Theory’ and transgender ideology as fact, without presenting balanced perspectives as required by law.
  • Self-Censorship and Cancel Culture: Fear of social media backlash and job loss is causing people to self-censor, stifling open debate.

How Can I Help?

  • Ask your local candidates the questions
  • Share this website with your friends and on your socials
  • Sign up for updates from us as we seek to hold the candidates to account

    You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website.